
Does CashWise have a License?

Short answer No, CashWise are not required to have a financial license from MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore). Fuller Answer CashWise does not provide advisory, fund management and/or asset custody services which means that we don't require licensing under MAS.  We work with licensed entities such as Airwallex and Wise (payments) and Syfe (investments) and all accounts are held in your company's own name.   Our solution takes your policy inputs, calculates what needs to happen for your cash management and treasury to achieve the policy objective, then sends instructions to your providers to move funds between your accounts.  This means that funds never hit our accounts and all protection and insurances still fall under the licensed entity responsibilities.

What's the Rate of Return with Syfe?

 Syfe rates of return are loosely tracking the interest rates set by the respective governments: SGD ~3.8%* USD ~5.4%* You can see more about the Syfe Cash+ products on their page here .  See also our FAQ on What are the Details of Syfe Money Market Portfolios? *as of June 2024 CashWise Can Help Extract More It's important to note that investment holding returns are not the only factor to the overall ROC (return on cash).  What this means is that you can only achieve return on cash that is invested.  Cash in bank deposits are likely earning 0.1% or less.   This is where CashWise can help.  On any given day, companies tend to hold cash in the bank for a multitude of reasons.  This is mainly for operating liquidity and as emergency reserves in case some expected revenues arrive late or for other unexpected spending.  These funds are essentially idle cash , which is a negative factor on ROC . Depending on your cash flow profile, transaction volumes and net flows, the CashWise Robo-Tr

Can I Log into my Syfe Account Directly?

What is the Syfe Login Feature? Currently, Syfe access is via a single user login which is under control of the CashWise platform.  We recognize that it is necessary for compliance and audit purposes for some users to have the ability to directly log into Syfe to have direct visibility of their account.   Prerequisites Accordingly, there is a New Syfe Login Feature in CashWise to enable pseudo-read-only access .  In order to be able to log into Syfe, you need to have the following prerequisites: Your CashWise  User Account must have with role of:  Owner or Admin Install the CashWise Assistant Chrome extension and have it active in your browser.   You must be actively logged into CashWise Do's and Don'ts Note that this feature will automatically log you into Syfe including handling the OTP for the initial login.  Things you can do with the login: View balances View transaction histories Download Statements Things you can't/shouldn't do with the login ( many of thes

Does CashWise Support Wise?

CashWise support full integration with Wise Business Accounts .   The prerequisite to connect Wise to CashWise is the activation for Receiving Money via the banking network.  This activation does incur a fee which is documented here . If you don't already have a Wise Business Account, you can sign up using the our Wise referral link .  Using this link will enable you to get a free spending card from Wise. Once your Wise Business Account has been opened, you can connect it to CashWise by following this FAQ . Further Reading CashWise QuickStart Guide

Direct Deposit USD to Syfe via DBS

Moving USD within Singapore can be expensive since it needs to move on the SWIFT network and cannot leverage low fee methods like FAST and GIRO.  This means the sending and receiving bank would likely charge fees on each end of the transaction.  If you're holding USD at DBS Bank in Singapore, you may be in luck.  We've heard that DBS doesn't charge SWIFT fees when moving USD between accounts as long as it stays within DBS.  It is highly recommended to verify this with your Account Manager since there are many types of accounts available at DBS.  After you confirm your situation with DBS and you wish to continue making a direct USD deposit to Syfe, you can use the following info to make the transfer: Bank Name : SYFE PTE. LTD. - CLIENTS A/C Bank account number : 0720110196 Bank swift : DBSSSGSGXXX Reference/Memo :  [see FAQ below on how to get your memo number, it is critical to provide this ] See also Deposit Directly to Syfe

How to Download My Monthly Syfe Account Statement

Syfe monthly account statements are available each month around the 12-15th.  You can download the statement in a few simple steps: Navigate to Account History   Scroll down to your Syfe Account and expand the section named Investment Statements . 

How to Add Users to CashWise

Intro CashWise is a multi-user platform.  Each company has the ability to invite an unlimited amount of users to view or manage their CashWise Account.  Users can be assigned various roles within the platform as follows: User Role Description Capabilities Dashboard Cash Flows Automation Account History Account Settings Billing Management Owner Primary Owner of the Company Account R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Admin Admin has same permissions as the Owner R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W n/a User User can perform every action except accessing the Account Settings menu. R/W R/W R/W R/W n/a n/a Read Only Able to view all pages except for Account Settings. R R R R n/a n/a R = Able to view and read data W = Able to update, add, remove and edit records n/a = No Access How to Invite a User to CashWise? Navigate to Account Settings ➡ Users tab Click on "Invite" Complete the form and an invite email will be sent to the new User.

What are the Details of the Syfe Money Market Porfolios?

When funds are invested with Syfe, they are not deployed into a single money market fund, instead, they are deployed into money market portfolios which are a basket of money market funds.  This strategy provides diversification and can enhance yields as well. As of the date of this article, May 2024, the Syfe Money Market Portfolios are as follows: Syfe Cash+ Flexi SGD   30% LIONGLOBAL SGD MONEY MARKET FUND 70% LIONGLOBAL SGD ENHANCED LIQUIDITY FUND SGD CLASS I (ACCUMULATION) Syfe Cash+ Flexi USD: 50% Ping An Money Market Fund 50% E Fund US Dollar Money Market Fund More details are available on the Syfe Cash Management page. 

What Does the CashWise Scheduling Engine Do?

The CashWise Scheduling Engine is a core part of the CashWise Robo-Treasury solution.  Each day during non-banking holidays in Singapore, the CashWise Scheduling Engine will perform certain tasks at predetermined times taking into account the operational policies and cash flow inputs. The engine will calculate actions needed to maintain the target balance and update the Scheduled Transactions to the Automation tab. The singular goal of the engine is to ensures liquidity is always available to meet payables as defined by you and the maximum amount of cash is deployed to earn interest.  The following list sets out some specific times when the Scheduling Engine will activate and some of the tasks it will perform. Approx time : 07:00 Task :  Update account balances, recalculate automation requirements eMail Action :  if there are large variances Approx time : 09:00 Task :  Update account balances, recalculate automation requirements, send instructions and execute automation Most conservat

How to Configure FX Settings

FX Settings are accessed under Account Settings ➡ FX Settings .  In the image below, you'll see that Trailing Stop is enabled and set to 0.5% . To change the settings, just click the tile you want to change: When Trailing Stop is disabled , CashWise will not monitor FX rates and will perform FX conversions as scheduled under Automation on the date specified. When  Trailing Stop  is  enabled , CashWise will monitor FX rates daily.  There will be 2 possible outcomes when Trailing Stop is enabled (USD ➡ SGD example): When USDSGD exchange rate is increasing or remains stable , the conversion will hold off until the scheduled date. When USDSGD exchange rate is  decreasing  and drops below the trailing stop threshold , the conversion will be triggered early to protect the value of USD.  If sufficient time is available, the SGD will be reinvested to continue earning until.